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Through The Years
Throughout the years … I have searched high and low…
I was seeking that one true love … that could help me grow…
I climbed up many mountains … and seeked within many trails…
Trying everything and a
” Help Me A Little ”
I try saying it in many ways,
Getting the message right is tough,
I could shout it out all night and day,
And still not feel it was enough.
I could paint it as a picture wide,
A brightness that
If Only
You have been a great friend, but a love I could never have,
The type of royal luxuries, of which I could only crave.
Two roads diverged in the wood, which one would I choose,
There can be only one
Dont Be Sad
Please dont worry.
It will be all fine.
All wounds heal over.
It just takes time.
I haven't left you.
I live in your heart.
Im sorry im gone.
Before my life got to start.
I've hurt you enouqh.
Forever .
Forever I'm gonna lay like this,
Alone, cold on the floor.
Forver I'm gonna feel this pain,
For my heart exist no more.
Forever this tear is gonna run,
For my eyes just want stop cryinq.
I try to fly, but it's impossible.
I'm sitting here in the darkness,
Cold and all alone. I try to look at you but it's impossible.
You hurt me to damn much, so I can't accept you. I dont know wha
Never .
Never say you love me,
if you don't really care.
Never talk about feelinqs,
if they aren't there.
Never hold my hand,
if you're goinq to break my heart.
Never say you're qoinq to,
if you never
My Best Friend .
Once was here
Now is gone
I will allways
Love forever
The laughs
The tears
The smiles
Without her
My life has no directions
No ups, only downs
No smiles or frowns
I miss her
I cry
I see h
En hyldest til min elskede
Side om side går vi ned af gaden. Det er mørkt, men larmen og stjernerne lyser natten op. Du fortæller mig en historie og jeg griner. Griner ikke så meget af historien i sig selv, men mere fordi jeg g
Hvis han vidste..
Han ved ikke hvad det vil sige at han forlod mig.
Han ved ikke han var den eneste jeg havde i mit liv.
Han ved ikke min kærlighed til ham er så stor.
Han ved ikke jeg vil gøre alt for ham.