Skrevet d. 30. juni 2004, 19:04 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0

Room of pain

Avatar af Zypher
here i am again
this time i may be here to stay

cause this life is leading the way
good day to you, once more
i say, as i open op my door

back in to the world
have i ever told

thinking thoughts
the thoughts that this life brought
newer again will i belive
if this is ever posible to forgive

if this fail
i surdenly will stay

so good day to you
you, the room of pain

sit down
hit the chair
now im back
im here to stay
now, nothing will lead me astray

i will stay here forever and ever
newer more will i leave
newer more will i belive
that it is posible to leave the past
the roots are growing, and they are growing fast