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Were your words ever true?
You once told me that
you loved me.
But then we were
apart for a long long time,
and now you say
"I still care for you".
But, my dear friend -
how can I believe you,
when what you say and
I still love you
People say that I’m a fool,
For still loving you,
But they just don’t see our love!
I’m just listening to my heart,
And that never lies.
People even try
To make it harder for us to be toget
I have to let you go!!
I just can't believe that,
everything between us didn't mean anything to you.
I can't believe that,
everything between us is gone.
Nothing is left,
we can't even be friends anymore.
I'm not t
Left are the memories
Now it seems
Like all I have left,
Of you and me,
Are my memories.
Some good and some bad,
But I still treasure them all,
Cause they made our time,
To what it was.
And I wouldn’t be withou
Don't say
Don’t say that
Everything is going to be okay,
Cause it’s not.
I have to leave this place,
Cause it’s bad for me,
And it makes me ill,
So I have to leave this place,
And leave you and your
Your’s disappointment!
I’m tired of trying to be,
What you want me to be.
Don’t know what you’re expecting of me.
But every step that I take,
Is a mistake to you.
There are so much of me,
That you never see,
And neve
You will always have a little piece of my heart!!
When you once told me,
”I belong to you and you belong to me”
I though you really meant it,
But now I can see that you didn’t.
The way you treat me,
Tells me a different story.
Some times I ju
The memories I will keep
Memories is all that I have left,
From our time and love we had together.
I guess I still hope,
That one day you might come back to me,
But I know it’s only wishful thinking.
Memories is all
You'll never get there
People say that,
they can see,
the light at the end of the tunnel,
but you can never get there.
No matter,
how hard you try,
it will always be,
further away than you.
The tunnel,
Et hjerte i tusind stykker
Den dag
du forlod mig
gik mit hjerte i stykker,
tusinde små stykker.
Dem bliver jeg
nødt til at samle op,
for at mit hjerte kan blive helt igen.
Et for et,
samler jeg dem op,
hvert enes
Elsker dig!
Mit liv uden dig
er et liv uden mening.
Mit liv uden dig
er ikke værd at leve.
Jeg ved ikke,
hvordan jeg skal få dig det fortalt,
Men jeg kan ikke leve uden dig.
Elsker dig!
I'm the one who lost you!!
I don't regret
the time we had together
but I regret
that I trusted you so much
and open my heart up to you
because you just left me with a broken heart.
People tell me
that you're the one
You´ll never get there
Peole say that,
they can see,
the light at the end of the tunnel,
but you can never get there.
No matter,
how hard you try,
it will always be,
further away than you.
The tunnel,
Min smukke lede stjerne!
Du er min ledende stjerne,
som altid leder mig på rette vej,
og er jeg kommet på gale spor,
guider du mig altid tilbage på rette spor.
Du er min ledende stjerne,
som altid lyser stor og klar,
Er forståelsen tid forbi?
Gjorde vi det godt nok?
Kæmpede vi nok for at det skulle lykkes?
Gav vi alt hvad vi havde,
eller gav vi op halvvejs?
Jeg føler måske ikke at du kæmpede med alt du havde, synes lidt du fandt den n
Min far, min smerte!
Jeg ville virkelig ønske
at du kunne se
den smerte du har
påført mig i årenes løb.
Du skulle være min far,
og elske mig og være stolt af mig,
men jeg har aldrig gjort det godt nok,
I was never good enough for you,
and I had to fight for your love,
from the day I was born.
The fight was to tough for me,
so now I give up.
You caused me too much pain, and nothing can make me
I´m not a perfect person
I know I´m not a perfect person,
I know that I have a lot of faults,
but that doesn´t make me a bad person.
Yes I have faults,
just like everyone else,
but why is it that my faults,
makes me
I´m the one who lost you!
I don´t regret,
the time we had together,
but I regret,
that I trusted you so much,
and open my heart up to you,
because you just left me with a broken heart.
People tell me,
that you´re the
Where were you
Where were you,
the day
I needed you the most.
I was so sad,
all was just dark cold,
and I was so alone
in my world.
And where were you?
I needed you so bad,
to give me hope
and a hug f
De tomme ord
Du lovede mig så meget,
og gik rent ind i mit hjerte.
Du sagde så mane ord,
som skulle være så kærlige og betyde så meget,
og det gjorde de også dengang,
men når jeg ser hvilken person du er blev