Skrevet d. 10. maj 2007, 20:41 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0

I´m the one who lost you!

Avatar af loneJ
I don´t regret,
the time we had together,
but I regret,
that I trusted you so much,
and open my heart up to you,
because you just left me with a broken heart.

People tell me,
that you´re the one,
who lost me,
but how can that be,
when you're the one,
who left me,
then it must be me,
who lost you.

I still don´t understand,
how you could act,
the way you did,
and play me like a fool,
but maybe I was a fool.

I was a young, naiv girl,
who thought she had
found a decent guy,
who really cared about me,
but you just used my love,
and dumbed me,
and broke my fragile heart!