Skrevet d. 5. marts 2007, 17:09 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 1 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 1


Couldn't see the truth.
Couldn't see your lies.
Couldn't understand
- why it was me.

Didn't know what to do.
Didn't know what to say.
Didn't know how to act
- cause I didn't understand.

Why did you do that?
Why did you say that?
Why didn't you listen?
- you said you understood.

I told you not to.
I told you I couldn't.
I told you I wouldn't
- you didn't understand.

Now i see your lies.
Now I see I was stupid.
Now I see I cant trust
- now i think i understand.

You never loved me and i never loved you.