Skrevet d. 2. juni 2000, 02:00 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0


Avatar af Tominta
Sweet summer path show me the way
Don’t lead me out where I can’t stand
Where I can’t see the end
Show me the way to go
Show me what to do
Don’t leave me all be my self help!
I don’t want to cry, to be alone
Show me the way to go

When the world came crushing down around the feets of mine
I am a nervous boy, in a lot of way
I never thought I could fell this way
It is all so nice
Your flashing eyes, a sudden smiley
I tried from the start, right from the moment,
that you turned to face me
But I am shy, nervous, I talked to fast
Avatar af Tominta d. 9. juni 2000, 23:39
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