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Avatar Forfatteren Tominta

Vågner fra natten

Vågner fra natten kun for at møde dagens mørke alt forkommer uden substans så uvirkeligt at jeg har lyst til at skrige jeg tier, forstumpt og fortabt stift og urokkeligt, pumper mit hjerte hv
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My shooting star

It ain’t gonna be easy I can tell Some times telling the truth can be unkind I wonder where you are, how you are, my shooting star You where mine, in a dream of mine But you don’t fall my shooting
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The dull dark in the day

The dull dark in the day Just waiting, waiting to be picked The brightness of the night Just waiting to fill up the hole inside A tear drops and turns into a stream a stream of love and hate t
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I am/I want

I am seeing my life fading into black and white I want the storm to disappear and make the rain stop I am tired of the sun going down on me I want to sit on the rainbow high above I am searchin
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There was I time when...

There was I time when I felt like I was everything and nothing all in one When I found you I felt like I was complete I felt like I was a child again I need to tell you that you have lighted up
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I don’t understand

It hurts me when you lie Some times it even makes me cry Because I am so in love with you All this sleep less nights in bed Wondering if you care It hurts too much to face the truth So I dream,
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Sweet summer path show me the way Don’t lead me out where I can’t stand Where I can’t see the end Show me the way to go Show me what to do Don’t leave me all be my self help! I don’t want to cry
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