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Os 2.
Jeg blev født - jeg skreg
Jeg voksede op - jeg så på
Jeg blev ældre - jeg lærte af livet
Jeg mødte dig - jeg fandt kærligheden
Vi var sammen - jeg var fuldendt
Du elskede mig - jeg elskede dig
Merry Christmas.
You so often hear around christmas,
The cool is without heart,
The wind is with no soul,
But what everyone forgets,
Is to look at the beauty within it.
You can’t feel your bones,
You can’t fee
By every single second that goes by
New life is being born
Into this world
By every single second that goes by
Life are being destroyed
Somewhere in this world
You cant control it
No matter h
If U were Mine
Oh boy, if I had U, U would be a king
And boy, if U were mine, I'd have Everything
That's the way I feel about U
So please don't tell me to go
There's soo much
I want to tell U
And so much I got
With a smile so real
Skin so soft
Seducing eyes that talks
With its sparkle
And an attitude so sexy and seducing
A laugh so sweet
A voice so heat
A personality and heart so unique
A mind that
Grædende tårer
Grædnede tårer,
i mørket,
mindet om dig,
er stadig hos mig.
Mindet om vores venskab,
mindet om vores sjov,
mindet om vores tid sammen,
mindet om DIG!
Vi grinte,
vi lo.
Vi smilte,
vi tal
Missing you...
Jeg savner dig,
mangler dig,
græder over dig,
tror på håber om at du tilgir mig igen...
Jeg mangler tillid,
og tro på mig selv..
Den tog du fra mig,
da du sagde de små
du var mig tro,
du ventede,
jeg tog tid,
men det vidste du.
Du var så blid,
du forstod,
Jeg var i tvivl,
men det vidste du.
du blev utålmodig,
du var vred,
jeg nægtede,
du forlod mig.
I love you baby
I love you baby
I love you baby
there is no may-be
I will follow you where ever we may go
your soul has this perfect glow
when I'm with you I know that love is the truest thing
and as wonderfu
Happy Heart
Happy heart
When I'm with you my heart dances, and sings
It jumps around with happy wings
It smiles for you it smiles for me
It is as happy as it can be
My heart is happy and glad
Never again