Skrevet d. 30. december 2002, 20:56 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 1 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 1

Merry Christmas.

Avatar af Tiana
You so often hear around christmas,
The cool is without heart,
The wind is with no soul,
But what everyone forgets,
Is to look at the beauty within it.

You can’t feel your bones,
You can’t feel your fingers or your hands,
You can see your breath,
Your prove on that you’re still alive,
In this cold, heartless night.

Look around you,
What do you see?
Forget about your freezing body,
Look above you,
At the blinking stars that makes the sky light.

The mysterious moonlight,
That makes the snow glimpse in your eyes,
That snow which is told to be,
With no mercy,
This look is natures christmas present.

Even here,
In this cold winternight,
I´ll be here for you,
Waiting in the snow,
Benieth the sky,
In this beautyful, starry, cold winternight.

In the hottest day,
On the hottest place,
In the coolest night,
At the coolest place,
I´ll be here for you as a true friend,
And appon this night tonight,
I´ll wish you and your family,
A very merry christmas.

Love always
Avatar af Kilkenny d. 1. januar 2003, 21:04
Wow, flot digt! Måske skulle man som du så fint upointer være mere forarget over d flotte vejr som jule måneden tilbyder. Men det glemmer man tit, når man står ude i den fordømte kulde med dryp tud og frodsne tæer.

Knuzzer Kilkenny
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