Skrevet d. 29. oktober 2005, 20:22 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 1 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 1

Bird in a tree

A bird is sitting in my garden tree; soon it’ll fly away to your field of green.
I heard you calling all these lonely nights, but I wasn’t there to make everything alright
The bird flies across the desert sand, through valleys of doubt, and mountains of hope but it’ll land in your hand. Sing a song for the broken hearted, unbroken tokens of faith departed. Back in the days when we walked through the streets of town, I pictured you in your wedding gown. The sidewalk was a beautiful aisle, and the windows light were the guests of the night. That night everything seemed true, but it wasn’t supposed to you and me. There were still things I needed to do, walls I needed to break through. True love shouldn’t be confined; a dove should never be blind. My bird flies through my dreams, but one day it’ll get to you…