Skrevet d. 17. juli 2005, 21:50 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0

An Obsession

Avatar af Sarewen
My view of life was to change forever.
If god made a pact with the devil,
who would then be good or bad?
Was terrorists to become holy?
and vampires priests of the good?
Maby its already happened.

You know..

Parents will always give their children,
all that they want just to keep them quiet.
The world we know in the hands of the devil,
like a simple toy.
Maby we have changede the balance of good,
and evil many times....

And still our minds clinge to the thought that,
there is still some good left in this broken old toy.
The obsession of finding new pure enegy...
the obsession of finding the good...