Skrevet d. 26. juni 2005, 22:03 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0


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Beauty it self
Something precious it is
Before it is truly met
It is as unknown as destiny it self

Listening to teenagers
Boys and girls
Believing it is the body seen
From what shows up in the magazines

Reality is so much different
Cause beauty owns nothing certain
It has no age or size
It has no colour or is from a certain culture

Beauty can show up fake
In a lie of a georgeus body
With a bright smile and sexy tempting eyes
If you choose to only look at the outside

Musclemen and bodybuilders
Models and famous actors
Sportsmen, and women as well
Who knows what hides behind the body and face

Beauty is a word
Abused by television and magazines
You´ll find the beauty true
Inside the humans real mind and spirit
Undernieth the body´s shallow surface