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Tell me
Tell me the whole true
Tell me why I chose you
Tell me it wasn't wrong
Tell me why you was so strong.
Tell me why it was meant to be
Tell me what was wrong with me
Tell me that it just wasn't
My dreamworld
The first time we met
we were only five
but at once we became friends
for the rest of our lives.
We played together ever day
from kindergarten to school
You was always by my side
I have never
My best friendship
Once I didn't undstand your friendship part
but now I see you believed in your heart.
Your heart chosed the right from the wrong
and I was one of them for so long.
But now it is over and I had
Why didn't you tell me what you felt, before you walked away
why didn't you speake to me, so that I could give you a reason to stay
why didn't you tell me that there was something wrong
now I feel
Kære Stupid
jeg hader dit smil
jeg hader dit sjov
jeg hader de dage hvor
du gjorde mig flov.
jeg hader din måde
jeg hader din mode
jeg hader de dage hvor
du vendte alt på hoved.
jeg h
I love you
I saw you standing in the door
I fell in love that's for sure
my stomach hurts everytime I see you
I wanna tell you how much I care
but it's something I can't do.
I have been in love with you
Jeg hader dig
jeg troede du var min ven
men du svigtede mig for en anden
når jeg kommer og spørger: hvorfor mig?
siger du bare: skrid med dig
vi kom op og skændes og du blev sur
så vendte du
You are not my whole world
I don't know how to ask you
but I love you with all of my heart
I hope you like me too
so we be don't have to be apart.
I went to talk to you alone
but you said you had no time
so I walked the
Du forsvinder
Jeg ved godt at du vil forsvinde en dag
men jeg håber du vil snakke med mig
i den korte tid vi har tilbage.
Hvad ved jeg om dig og du om mig?
Jeg ved at du er noget meget specielt
og jeg ved at d
Something wrong ?
I did fall in love with you
but I couldn't tell by the first sight
I did hope that you felt like this too
but now I'm not so sure that I'm right.
I lost my life because of you
I lost everything
how did you get into my mind ?
how did you make me believe you were
kind ?
I dont know, it was just some lies of pain.
why didnt I saw you were in sane
I think I know I was in love with you.
Do you love me ??
Do you love me
I don't know
but I can't ask you
I'm shy
I can't tell you
I like you
even love you.
but if I one day
could ask you
what would be your answer.
I'm shy
I will cry
jeg stod og så det ske
jeg troede aldrig det var det,jeg skulle se.
det var brændt ned
hele min kærlighed.
jeg og så det
det er det jeg ved
men jeg for aldrig det tilbage
jeg mistede i ilden
Kom tilbage
Du var min fyr
en rigtig tyr
hvorfor skulle du også forlade mig
ej hvor jeg savner dig.
Jeg tænker på dig dag og nat
du er stadig min skat
kom tilbag vil du ikke, nu
kom tilbag lille du