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A forced goodbye

at first it was just a thing, i wasn't sure i didn't know you at all, but all i wanted was more more of you, more of your smile every time you'd leave i would scream in my head just stay for a whi
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Picture perfect

Stuck, and I cant get out. of this tiny little black box. It sucks my feelings, is one big knot. and I cant undo it. fuck Love, isn't making this easier it just makes me more confused and I'
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She walks down the road. the moon is out, its cold. she breaths and sees the air coming out of her mouth feels the teardrops down her checks the footsteps on the concrete its quiet the w
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We're always looking for someone else, or something else. We're almost never satisfid with anything. I think that is human nature! Some of us find what we want just to fuck it up not realizing until i
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Fallen angel

She walks down the road. the moon is out, its cold. she breaths and sees the air coming out of her mouth feels the teardrops down her checks the footsteps on the concreat its quiet the w
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jeg er hende de snakker om i de mange film hvor hun hele tiden klager over sit perfekte liv de pr�ver at beskrive de smerter som hun f�r men ingen film kan de smerter opn� for de har ikk
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