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Mit navn er Kasper Vestergaard Rasmussen Og jeg er mere eller mindre død indeni I må gerne kommentere mine værker


Igennem en vissen skov en ensom sjæl går. Død af kærligheden med evige sår. Et tungt hjerte i brystet og minderne der dræbte den. Et skrig i mørket efter den som elskes. Men intet svar kom, hå
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Flawless Power

Like a shadow, she crawls through the night in her winters dress No thought are in her head and she is happy for everyone She is a spirit waking in her sleep no were to go and no one to love Froz
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Life is one step forward and two steps backwards. Walking backwards won't help, cause then you'll stand still just looking at you past. Roses are just blood in solid form, and the darker they are, t
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Fuck it all, I don’t wanna live Hate it all, it don’t want me anymore Looking over the sea thinking of it All my daemons are screaming I’m like a steel pattern, but never ending It’s a fire eatin
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You ate my flesh and spit it out, am I so bad to you? Killing hope won't bring you back to me, but what will? Answer my dying soul's body, I beg you, don't be a thorn. Is it about love or death, I
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You are the truth, always in me Light shines upon your road to others You cleansed my soul and my eyes You made me see the truth, the truth I couldn't have seen it without you I love you, you mad
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Hvad har jeg gjort

Jeg ser hvad jeg har gjort ved dig. Jeg ser hvad du føler for mig. Jeg ser at jeg ødelægger dig med mine åbenbart så tomme ord. Jeg har gjort dig ondt for mange gange, hvordan kan du klare det? Dit hj
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Were did you go? I don’t wanna be alone, killing myself is the easy way, but is it the right way? small children playing in the yard, they don’t even know love, I wish I were them, forgive me god, and
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Up-cut (and the regrets)

Every fucking sin that I’ve ever committed is coming back on me, it’s eating me alive. Don’t you want to be with me, don’t you want a piece of me, come let’s eat. I see the father of her, he’s dri
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