Skrevet d. 6. december 2002, 02:42 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 1 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 1

The Fallen

You where my friend,
my love,
my life,

When I finally gave you my heart,
you where gone,

I wrote you messages,
but no answers,
no lifesigns,
no sign of interrest


I thought i had everything,
but now i dont have anything,
I used to have hope,
I used to have dreams,
Now everything is gone,
my world felt appart

You where my reason to live,
you where my reason to dream,
you where my everything,

All I have now is emptyness,
nothing to dream of,
nothing to hope for,

I have become loneley,
I have stopped loving,
I have stopped dreaming,
I have stopped living.

....thats why I am the Fallen!