Skrevet d. 18. januar 2015, 18:08 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 1 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0

My new Wife - My only Wife

Under the stars i always stand
Looking up and hoping to find the one up there
I have been looking for so many years
Not long ago a star droped right down from the heaven
Just like a angel in here shit from heaven to me

The star there came down
Fell right into my soul and my heart
Now im happy that she is in my life
And one day ill merry here
And make here just as happy as she makes me

My heart are pounding and my chest is jumping
Just for my love Lisbet
She lights up my life
And she makes me more happy then life it self
So thank you god for sending me your sweetest angel