Skrevet d. 6. marts 2010, 10:50 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0

How can I let go, when I can´t see us apart?

Avatar af goodbye
Take a look at what you have,
think of all the things WE´ve done to get it.
Remember why you wantet this SO BAD..
Remember it only takes a second to loose.

The most cruel thing to do,
is to forbid someone to say;
I love you
-To the one she loves,
its even more cruel to force her to say;
I don´t love you,
to the one she loves the most.

To love is to risk not being loved return.
To hope is to risk.
To try is to risk failure,
but I think that the risk must be taken.

I was fanally getting over you and actually beliveing i didn´t need you. I was finally accepting you didn´t want me. . .

..But then you smiled at me and it all returned.

Dont ever give up if you really want to try.
Dont ever wipe youre tears away if you still want to cry.
Dont ever say you doesn´t care for me, if you cant let me go.

How will I ever forget you,
when you´re allways on my mind?
How can i not want you,
when you´re all i want inside?

How can I let you go,
when i can´t see us apart?
How can I not love you,
when you control my heart?

Letting go is hard,
but holding on to someone who doesn´t even feel the same is much harder.

Giving up doesn´t mean you weak,
it only means that youre strong enough to let go.

. . . But Im weak, I can let you go...

I can see some reasons to give up,
but not as many reasons as holdning on. !

Think about it twice.

please. .