Skrevet d. 17. august 2009, 23:18 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0


We found each other
In our most dark and loneliest hour
I found you in my sorrow
When I thought there was no tomorrow
You found me in your pain
When every effort seemed in vain
We became one

All sorrows washed away
In those happy endless days

You found long seeked forgiveness
In my sweet comforting kiss
I found happiness
That I, for so long, had thought was lost
Together, we learned how to live
How to love and forgive

Oh such perfect days
I’m glad I spend them with you
Come what may
Nothing will ever tear us apart

Through our pure love and care
We saw nothing but light everywhere
Dark memories, haunting from the past
Will no longer last.
We are one
And together
Come what may

As long as we'll both be here
As long as our love will last
I will love you,
Until my dying day
Come what may