As you said those words,
my world started to fall apart.
I wasn’t sure about anything at all.
I thought you liked me - I really did!
After all you said yesterday. Yesterday.
Oh, yesterday seems suddenly so far away.
I wish I could repeat it now. Repeat it all
Repeat your words, your silent whispers in the dark.
But I can’t and now I’m stuck in the memories.
The memories of you.
It destroys my senses, it destroy my feelings
and all I can do
is waiting for you.
Waiting for you to kill me with the truth.
Skrevet d.
1. juli 2006, 03:41
kunne forstille mig en har sagt til dig, at de ikke vidste om de var parate til et forhold og så at du skulle gå og vente på deres svar, som så hele tiden blev udsat dag på dag fordi de måske ikke turde at sige sandheden.
har jeg ret eller er det helt forkert ?