Skrevet d. 8. maj 2005, 12:59 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0


I was dreamer
When I was child I always .
dreamt to be a prinsesse...
To be most beutifull in this world...
To enjoy my life...
To one day My princ come...
To take me in his dream word...
A world full of love...
A world that I never see the fight...
A world that no one hurt you...
A world that never feel pain...
A world that everywhere I see are red roses
A world that you can make me happy...
A world that there is no hate...
A wolrd full of love...
And one day I met you..
and you took me with you ..
I thought maybe you takeing me on your world..
a beutifull world...
You give me everything I wanted...
You made me happy...
I thought you were my Prince...
and you loved me more then your life’s...
But what happened than?
One day you said to me....
" I don’t love you"
and everything was end..
without no reasons...
and you know what...?
I hate to come in True World...
I really want to go back to my dream world..
But I cant...
It is imposible