Skrevet d. 3. juni 2004, 12:10 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 0 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 0

Why can't i just

Dette digt er oprindeligt skrevet den 3. Juni 2004

Why can’t i just
be like you
why am i
like this

Why can’t i just
take every day
as it comes and
live it while i
have the chance

Why can’t I just
live right now
and not always
look deep into
the future we
maybe can
live together

Why can’t I just
tell you that i
miss you like crazy
when that’s the truth

Why can’t i just
tell you that i
love you like i have
never loved
anyone before

Why can’t i just
give you the space
you really need
when i know that
could make it alright

Why can’t i just
tell you that your
the only one when
i know that’s what
my heart tells me

Why can’t i just
say that I want
you back baby
when that’s all
I really want

Why can’t i just…
i don’t know but i
hope you read this
and understands
my feelings, my thoughts
and my love to you