Skrevet d. 13. august 2003, 16:42 StarStar_emptyStar_empty Thumbs-up × 1 Thumbs-down × 0 Favorite-on × 1


Avatar af -Maria-
I?m so lonely, it?s hurts deep inside.
I cry, cry, and cry.
Its hurts so much, that I don?t want to go on!
I can?t take the pain of
Being lonely anymore!
I just can?t.
I wish I would die, so all my pain and sorrows would go away!
I?m so serious, but no one, take it?s serious!
If I wasn?t afraid, of more pain,
I would take the knife, and ended right now,
And I wouldn?t doubt one single second!

I would just vanish away?????????..