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Avatar Forfatteren Sapphire85

Jow jow....så faldt jeg lige over siden her.....hygsomt...!Det er skam en rigtig go side og jeg glæder mig til at komme igang med at dele mine digte, sange og egne ord med jer.....!Knus og kram, Sapphire.P.S. Kom endelige med kommentarer!!!!

I hold my breath.

All of my hopes are shattered. All of my dreams have become nightmares. But it doesn't really matter. All of the pain I will survive. No matter what, I'll stay alive. I am strong enough to cope w
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Is there a life after love?

What about when it's all over? When our presence is gone. When the red roses we planted, And watched grow beautiful but fragile, Fades away and dies. When we are no longer a part of this world.
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To Spirit with Love...

You have given me everything. Thank you for your love. Thank you for the one I love. Thank you for the sunshine you bring. Thank you for the songs I sing. You give me strength when I am weak. Yo
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